Friday, July 5, 2013

Belle Bottoms

Pictured here is myself and my sorority big sister, Cassie! I knew we were destined to be best friends as soon as she cried to me on the Kappa Delta blacktop, begging for me to pledge Kappa Delta. Three years later & we are closer than ever!
The reason I am posting about Cass today is because she just started her own business. It is called "Belle Bottoms" and they are all one of kind high-waisted Levi's. I am wearing one of her creations in the picture above.

This is one of my favorite trends of the season. Who doesn't love something that gives you legs for days? High waisted bottoms in general are amazing to pair with a flowy top or a crop top, which is also in style this season!  I know I will be ordering a pair like the pair picture above VERY soon! Head to and like her page!

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